
Godišnjak za psihologiju

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Important: Godišnjak za psihologiju is going to be issued entirely in English from 2023.

Godišnjak za psihologiju is a scientific journal published by the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš. It publishes original research, review papers and manuscripts from all areas of psychology written in English language.

Godišnjak za psihologiju, applies a double-blind peer review system. After an initial review by the editorial board, manuscripts are reviewed by two independent reviewers. Decision on publication is based on the results of this review.

The editorial board of the journal adheres to the the Ethical Codex for publication of works and prevention of data misuse of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Niš and the Ethics code of the Serbian Psychological Association. Ethical Codex

JELISAVETA TODOROVIĆ is a full professor at the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš. Her sphere of research interests are parenting styles, family relationships, quality of marriage, life satisfaction, characteristics of adolescence, risky sexual behaviors of adolescents, self-esteem and self-image, depression of young people, brain drain. She is also interested in the problems of people with developmental disabilities. She is one of the team members on the project Popularization of science and scientific publications in the field of psychology and social policy (300/1-6-01) of the Department of Psychology and the Department of Social Policy and Social Work of the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš. She is the author of numerous references that can be found at ORCID:

MILJANA SPASIĆ ŠNELE is an assistant professor at the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš. Her sphere of research interest is understanding the factors related to the mental health of people at different stages of the life cycle, the experience of body image, family psychology, qualitative research in psychology. She is one of the team members on the project Popularization of science and scientific publications in the field of psychology and social policy (300/1-6-01) of the Department of Psychology and the Department of Social Policy and Social Work of the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš. She is a team member of the project Identity Crisis in Women Facing Infertility: Mixed Methods Approach (#1568) funded by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia. She is the author of numerous references that can be found at Njen ORCID je

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